George Herzog Standing Rock Recordings

Cover of Francis Densmore's Teton Sioux Music and Culture featuring artwork by Lakota artist Oscar Howe. The book is a companion to the Densmore recordings done on Standing Rock in the early 20th century. University of Nebraska Press
Earlier this year, a collection of Standing Rock recordings done by George Herzog in 1928 was inducted into the prestigious National Recordings Registry. According to a recent press report, the 128 recordings, originally done on wax cylinders in Fort Yates, have been newly digitized by the Archives of Traditional Music in Indiana, where the precious originals are cared for. Sitting Bull College Library has copies of a previous version on CD in addition to accompanying documents available for listening and reading by the public.You can read more about the collection here
The list of singers includes: Edward Afraid-of-Hawk, Two Shields, Joe No Heart, Jerome Standing Soldier, Has Tricks, Fred Luis, and WatÄ‹Ãbidiza . The Archives of Traditional Music has made samples WatÄ‹Ãbidiza and Edward Afraid of Hawk available online that can be listened to at this link